Nothing quite beats beautiful, glowing skin.
There's something positively sexy about smooth,
unblemished skin. While this is mostly subject to
hereditary, there are also steps which folks who weren't
fortunate enough to be born with smooth skin can take to
achieve this.
Here are a few beauty routines which would be great to
adopt in the new year for smoother, flawless skin.
1. Bio Oil: It's not over-rated guys, Bio Oil does truly work.
However as with all things beauty related, to achieve
results you need to be patient and consistent. After
about two months of consistent use, the skin has a
visibly clearer and brighter appearance.
2. Coconut oil: The best thing about coconut oil? For all its
great uses, it costs very little. Coconut oil is great for
the skin and hair.
3. Water Therapy: For years now, folks have been gushing
about the goodness of water therapy and for good
reason. It's really healthy as it cleanses the system
plus it's great for the skin as it cleanses things from
4. Night creams: If you don't already use night creams in
your beauty regimen, then you may want to consider it.
Generally, beauty products yield maximum results when
used at night. Night creams then are designed
specifically to replenish nutrients that may have been
lost during the day under the harsh glare of our humid
climate. Olay and Sleek are just some beauty lines that
offer great night creams in their range of products.